Friday, January 15, 2010

Small Steps

As you may have read in previous posts I'm really wanting to get the web site thing going. After talking to Kristopher over the Christmas break I've sort of committed to a plan at Intuit. I've checked other artists sites for prices, thought about hiring it done ( but for those of you that know me well - the bottom line is I'm cheap - or at least frugal) . So now I am in the middle of the whole process.

I don't want to get too carried away with it, as I don't think the web site will some panacea and sales will just soar through the roof. However it is a great place for customers that see me at a show to look at my work a second or third time and be able to contact me easily. So they are an important aspect of business in this right.

They just take so much time to set up the way you want them. Resizing images, creating text boxes, layering, and about a half a million other things - for each page!!

So I'm going to pace myself, one page a night, if I can get one page near finished each evening than I will still have some time to paint. Last night was the Ballpark page - still need some more words ( words drive the search engines) but the images are the right size and that part looks great. Then I was off to Colonial Bread and spent a few hours painting - listening to the most boring basketball I think ever Michigan vs. Indiana.


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