Should Finish This Weekend
I started the first of the new canvases this week and even with all the Holiday festivities (many late nights and at least one early morning birthday party) I've managed to get a little painting in.
For the first painting I chose a reflection shot of the Iowa State Capital off an office building next to it. The glass gives it a distorted look that is really pretty cool. I'm down to the last two panel and then the grid work of the glass.
Next up and already sketched out is the Colonial Bread sign ,also in Des Moines. As you can tell perhaps I've been trying to focus on other venues for paintings and trying to expand my horizons. Living in the mid-west we are very lucky as artists to have a very vast amount of art shows that we can apply and possibly attend. I have chosen to elevate my game and apply at larger shows. This summer I'm hoping to be accepted at two shows in Des Moines and a new show that I'm looking at in Madison WI.
I should have an image maybe tomorrow of the Capital as I get my van out of the shop today and my camera is in the console.
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