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It was another hectic weekend of driving from state to state, but this time it wasn't an art show - so no big sales over the weekend. I did however get to spend some time with my Mother visiting relatives that I haven't seen for many years. ( My uncle is in failing health and I do need to visit him more often)
Growing up we always took our vacations at relatives houses - travelling along the same roads - stopping at the same places. That may be why I always want to find new places and other things to see along the way. My mom - as I found out this weekend - also likes the adventure, she is a little nervous about bigger cities - but she's a gamer.
The first thing that you find out about traveling with your parents is that your still the kid so you leave when they want - In my moms case that early in the morning - which turned out pretty good ,because it put us at our first destination right around lunch time.
Beale Street

We found a place to park and headed off down Beale Street - Taking a few photos along the way - but mainly looking for a place to eat - we settled for a nice little place with some pulled pork BBQ and live blues music. After we hiked down the road a ways to W. C. Handys house and then on to Sun Records. Along the way I snapped this photo for my friend
So after a nice long walk to Sun Records - Memphis blocks are like New York Avenues they are very -very long - not your typical city block. We made it back to the parking lot and continued our journey - but before I left I did get quite a few cool images for this winters painting projects - like this one of the
Orpheum Theater -
Can't wait to take The Woman down on some non-busy weekend to really check out the city!!

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