Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Good Call
The city council did cut the budget for my friend Suzette Boulais at Art Partners. It would not have mattered if I was there or at home so, since I stayed home and finished the diptych "Stained Glass" I think I made the best use of my time. That brings the total paintings since last Friday to three canvases, not bad if I do say so myself. I must also say that I am enjoying the small canvases immensely, I have been able to try things that I would never do on large time consuming canvases. I have been wrestling with the price issue as my large pieces are somewhat on the high side, it would be nice to have these as low as possible at upcoming shows. I will have to stop by and have my photos processed at lunch since my sweet daughter in Des Moines has my camera cord and I can't upload any images unless I have a hard copy to scan. That's OK it will give me an excuse to purchase a new camera with lots more meg( like that really cool Canon Rebel EOS 8 Megapixel)


Blogger CharlieGirl said...

Hey!!! You gave it to me! It is not like I stole it!!!

Thursday, 07 September, 2006  

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