Thursday, November 09, 2006

Art Guild Meeting

I met with the Peoria Art Guild yesterday and finalized dates for a "Local Color" exhibit at WTVP Studio( the local public television station). The show will be from November 20th until at least the end of December( about a month and a half), I'm unsure about what this will be like, but getting my work out in public is what it's all about. I also have been given a "Featured Artist" date at the Art Guild conference room( it is adjacent to the main gallery) for August and September of 2007. At the very least I should get some type of publicity from at least one of these events( one would hope).

Went home and painted lots of teal green seats in the stadium, still on track for finishing sometime this week or weekend.

I have actually put down plans on paper for the "Leg Lamp" and the proposed wheelchair ramp. Not really looking forward to the latter of the two projects but you have to do what you have to do.


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