Monday, September 22, 2008

Class Over - Pool Closed

This Saturday got up and went to teach the workshop, it turned out alright. We painted a still life of flowers - something that I never paint - The Woman likes the little painting that I brought home to her. Each of the students also pretty much finished each of theirs, so they had something to show for the day.

We went to the Oktoberfest on the flooded riverfront Saturday evening - It is a big German festival - lots of beer and brats. The whole riverfront is flooded up to and over Water Street, and I mainly wanted to see how bad it was as the Fine Art Festival is this next weekend. It has got to go down quite a bit to not alter the show. As of this morning, the entrance to the Gateway Building ( the main entrance to the park were the art fair is held ) is still under a foot of water. After looking at the map of the event that was in the local paper Sunday many of the booths will have to be moved if the water doesn't go down quickly. Even then there will be the nasty stench of receding river waste on the sidewalks and the grass areas will be soup.

I don't know why I'm worried - I'm still waiting on the list. I hate waiting - I like to have all my plans firmed up. It is hard to prepare for maybe. People are constantly asking me "are you in yet?" I have already went through this with the Cubs call up for the Seventh Inning Stretch competition - I hope this doesn't turn out the same way. When I see the finalist on the TV and then I know I didn't make the cut.

Sunday The Woman and I closed the pool for the winter, it is always a little sad, because you know that Summer is over and Winter is coming. There is always next year though and at least it was a very good summer for the pool. Lots of clear water and fun - hope for more of the same next season.


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