Friday, February 19, 2010

Into The Fire

With all the recent headlines in the local news, it seems I picked a great time to release this information on my blog (And also to most everyone that I know in the art community - as I have sort of kept it quiet these last few months)

I wrote a few months ago about not wanting to end up like Joe Peshi in "Goodfellas" (who was executed just when he though he was making to the top) I was asked at that time to become a member of the Peoria Art Guild board. It seems that they wanted to get an artist voice on the board and my name came up and I accepted. I considerate an honor that I get to represent the local artists in voice and vote .

Then the news broke that the Guild would be scaling back some of its services as the economy has taken its toll on the finances. What a firestorm of differing comments from "they are closing their doors" to "everything is wonderful", the truth is always somewhere in between.

The economy has taken a big bite out of the operating budget of all organizations and as they cut back on donations to not-for-profits (like the Art Guild) there is a definite trickle down affect on those organizations. This also amplifies any short comings in the system that already exist. Some of the services that the Guild had provided at little or no profit (some were really losing money). I was being bombarded with all the information from the past years as I was "brought up to speed" before my first board meeting last night.

Yes- the cat is out of the bag - I am now a board member ( to some of my art friends they may be thinking it is the Dark Side of the Force) but this is a good thing. And I cannot stress this enough - The people I met last night -REALLY CARE - about art and artists in Peoria - They are some of the most intelligent business people in the city and may have been active in supporting the Art Guild their whole lives.

Sure this is a rough spot in the history of the Art Guild - but when your 130 years old your allowed to stumble around a bit.


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