Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Getting down to desk

The pile of things to-do has been slowly eroded to a more manageable stack I can see portions of the wood grain on the desktop peeking through. I'm down to three color books ( that means nothing to any of you ) and this sample season will be almost done.

I've had some time to get ready for the upcoming workshop that I'm hosting here at the big MF (Mitchell Fabrics) . I've stated in previous posts that I'm extremely lucky to work at Mitchell Fabrics - Mitchell was the first person to really get me to pursue painting for profit and has been a huge supporter and instrumental in getting me introduced into the art community. I have arranged for the use of the facility on Saturday February 20th for a workshop on on-line applications. This ( I hope ) help artists get ready for applying at the larger show that require on-line applications.

I've also sort of cut down on the caffeine lately - staying away from cola and drinking water with meals and also when I paint in the evenings. I don't know what the benefits will be - I'm sure that water is probably better for me physically - But dozing off and jabbing a paint brush through my big head probably wouldn't be good either.


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