Monday, September 12, 2011

Rees Carillon is AWESOME!!

I've been doing outdoor shows since 2004 - and I have yet to find one that pampers the artists like the Carillon - Frank , one of the many volunteers, was at my booth literally every 1/2 hour with his wheeled cooler filled with yogurt, soda, water, snacks of all types. Frank actually must have offended some of the other artists by "bugging" too much as he was reprimanded before starting on Sunday about checking too often.

And if Frank didn't bring you enough - the Artist VIP tent was in the center of the show and they would get you anything that you needed. Barb and Dan Walker do such a great job of making sure every thing is as comfortable for the artist as possible.

Other shows do a good job - but gooey Cinnamon sticky rolls for breakfast and real Starbucks Coffee come on!


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