Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Galesburg, IL.

I get around a little bit with this art thing, but at the same time I try to limit myself at home. Since I have been on the board at the Peoria Art Guild I've sort of been an advocate for other artists and stepping out of the limelight a bit. It's not that I don't want or need local support, I just don't want people to think I'm always blowing my own horn. ( I've always thought that you aren't what you call yourself your what other people call you, and you don't want to be like the kid on the diving board yelling " look at me jump - look at me jump!")

So it was sort of nice when the Galesburg Civic Art Center contacted me last year for a joint show with a Moline IL scuptor David Zahn. I sent my images in and signed some forms and it has been sort of cool seeing the poster advertizing the different shows when I go to Dick Blick to pick up supplies.

The other day though it hit me ( mainly when they sent me the layout of the gallery and saw how many walls I needed to fill) that I have a very hectic September - three major outdoor shows - two in Springfield and of course the Peoria Riverfront. I have to have two very different booth setups and still fill a rather large gallery.

Luckily I've been a fairly prolific painter and I think I'm OK - well at least so far!

The opening reception is September 2nd from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM - If you want you can come a find out if I made it!


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