Wednesday, February 15, 2012

From Better Post Something to Nearly Professional

It has been a while since I have posted anything - mainly because I've been wearing out brushes - celebrating holidays - hanging out with friends - celebrating birthdays - even built my own custom sized shuffleboard table for the family room.

I'm not the only person in the non-posting funk, my daughter Charlie aka / also hasn't posted anything since December. Maybe it is just that wintry, getting dark early, hot chocolate drinking, kind of time of year.

I've been in my studio working lately and have finished some new paintings for the upcoming year. Also have applied at several shows - the first for the season is looking like the Springfield Old Capital show at the end of May. I have decided to trim the early shows off the show schedule as by the time you figure out entry fees, hotel, gas, and food - they were losing propositions.

Hopefully the mood of the patrons this next season is a little brighter than the last season - It's hard to think about spending money on art when all the news about the economy is gloom and doom.

But as I'm painting in the studio in the evenings - I hear that the college basketball season is winding down and that means March Madness - and that means spring , warm weather,deadlines for applications to summer events.

I guess that the main reason for the long delay in posting was just that I was content and comfortable with life in general and was just enjoying its cyclical rhythm.

Hopefully I'll be posting some images of activities and paintings and the like shortly - but at least I broke my silence - now we have to wait for Charlie!


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