Wednesday, January 30, 2008


As most of the readers of this blog would know, The Woman and I have four wonderful children. Two have their own careers and lives in cities that are way too far away for parents likings, but they are healthy, successful, and we hope happy. The younger two are moving into the late teen years, and on their own way to becoming adults. The youngest, Kaleb, is active in some sports all of which he hates. He hates the practices and the time they take away from other important activities like video games. His current despised sport is wrestling, although he says he hates it, he is quite good at it.

Wrestling for the uninformed is not like the kind you see on TV. You can't smack your opponent with a chair or or jump off ropes. If that were the case Kaleb would love it. No it is three minutes of torture for the parents of the children trying to pin the other to the mat in some contorted painful looking hold.

The other aspect of wrestling is that the meets are usually long and almost always somewhere else. Last night was no exception, an away meet at Chidix Normal. Normal is not really that far from East Peoria, just down the interstate about 30 minutes, on a normal day.

Yesterday started off like a great day in January around 40 degrees in the morning then climbed to the mid 50's. The Woman and I made plans to go to the meet and started on our way about 4:00 PM , the temperature had dropped to the mid 20's. By the time we had made the 30 minute drive to Normal we were in an almost white out snow storm, temps in the teens, accidents at most intersections, and got to the meet about 5:15.

We did still manage to get to the school before the event began and saw our son wrestle. He pinned his opponent in the third period, or less that three minutes. After the meet another white knuckle drive home, the total time four hours . These are the trials of parents everywhere, you want your children to be active and involved. What they really means is that YOU are the one that will be active and involved.

After the trip I would vote for any candidate that would start legislation that would give other motorist the right to disable or revoke driving privileges for some of the people we meet on the road. Maybe all licence plates should be cell numbers so you could just call the morons and tell them to move over, park it and walk, speed up, slow down, or any thing else that annoys me at some moment. I have toned down my initial request of some type of bazooka to just put them out of their misery.

Any way we all made it home and safe and after a quick dinner I still managed to get some painting in.


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