Friday, September 08, 2006

Art Partners Art Party

Yesterday evening was the end of year business meeting for Art Partners (, it was sort ironic that the "party" was two days after the city council voted to decrease the budget. It still was a good time, I can't tell you how important it is to be around other creative people. The Woman has a new best friend , Morgan Elser, who now wants to sculpt her image. ( can you blame her ) I did not get to paint last night, but I have a good start on the last of the 8" x 24" canvases. The next painting is of an old doorway on Elm Street in Peoria, the building used to be a grocery wholesaler around the turn of the last century. I have painted it before and wanted to revisit it with the smaller canvas. Tonight is chimnea(for those who do not know-for the past six years at least "the chimnea group" has gathered on Friday nights to eat, laugh, have some adult beverage, and just generally unwind after our hectic weeks), and hopefully I will be able to get a start on about a dozen more of these small canvases.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, Morgan here! So I'm the Womans new best friend, huh? I am honored and look forward to "doing her" on fabric and in clay. Tell the Woman hello.
Love Love Love this stuff (your blog) Art too!!!!!
Your are a FABULOUS artist and I can't wait to have you featured in the Gallery! Ta! Da! Until next time, Another Artist Freak, ME

Saturday, 09 September, 2006  

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