Thursday, September 23, 2010

These People are CRAZY !!

I have been working trying to keep all my studio equipment held together with twine and bailing wire. Frantically trying to finish pieces for this weekends show - polishing up the new booth digs - and still going to my day job.

As I run willy-nilly to and fro through the city, I keep running into these lunatics! They are wearing Art Guild t-shirts and loading and unloading supplies - It's like they are everywhere - and the strangest part is they are always so darn happy !

I checked my e-mail and there is a ten page "short list" of things that must be done by the end of the show. ( I am privy to some of the behind the scenes workings)

Stacy - Ryan and all the volunteers - as an artist that lives in town and sees what is going on, I want to thank you in advance for the wonderful weekend that you have in store for myself and the other 149 national artists that don't necessarily "see" all the work that it takes to put on a nationally ranked show - but Trust me appreciate your efforts.


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