Thursday, December 16, 2010

I Cleaned half my Studio!

Yes - in a surprise move I purged half my studio last evening. The Woman was probably the most shocked - she is thinking that it was a ruse to get Santa to nicer to me. Really it was just the whole years worth of photos,sketches,notes,and applications ( if you apply on an on-line source -Zapplication/Juried Art Services/ Entry Thingy - you will get lots of applications) .

Just like most artists though - I quickly tired of this "cleaning work" and as I stumbled across a couple of small blank canvases that were tucked away on a shelf. Pretty soon I was sketching out some things and mixing paint.

I might get back to the other half - Tonight though I have wrestling in Morton and a Board meeting at the Art Guild. At least found an application to Spring Bloom in Bloomington that is due by Saturday and sent that off today.

So I'm feeling pretty good !!


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