Holt /Cat
A few years ago ( time seems to just fly by as I'm getting older) in Feb. of 2010 I had the opportunity to visit the Caterpillar Company archives in Mossville IL . I had requested to paint an image that they had displayed in a local paper about their 100th anniversary. After some emails from their legal department - I was given a rare outsiders invite to be briefed about the image and permission to pursue the task of creating my painting.
I started the project as soon as I got back to the studio - about a week in I got a call from a show that I was eagerly painting this image for that the rules had been changed and the new maximum limit in any one direction was 36". Now, anyone that has seen one of my paintings knows that almost all of them are at least 48" in one direction. So feeling a little slighted I shelved this painting.
After finishing Miller Park I looked up and saw it hanging, un-finished on the studio wall and thought I should get back on it .
The show that changed its size rules is moving back to the newly remodeled Peoria Main Library, so hopefully they will go back to the old rules.
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