Friday, July 11, 2008

Take Me Out To The Ballgame

While I was working making prints the other night, I was naturally listening/watching ( I can only watch when I'm not cutting - I don't want to loose a finger). The Cubs were on the west coast, I think playing the Giants, Len and Bob were calling for entries in the Baby Ruth "Take me out to the ballgame" competition. On a lark I stopped matting and went to the site and signed up.

I told some friends about it the next day and they told me that there was little or no chance at winning as everyone was signing up. So the whole thing was sort of put out of my head.

Until yesterday when I go the e-mail that invited me to come and audition at Wrigley Field on the 18th.

Even if I don't make the cut to sing at the game - this alone is a huge event - to get to go to the stadium and try out for the Majors.

I've sang the National Anthem at the Single A Peoria Chiefs game a few times but this is the pinnacle - wish me luck!!!!


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