Monday, July 07, 2008

Wrigley Field South

Last week I worked on the pool area to finish for the massive 4th of July festivities. The gazebo was finished two weeks ago and it looked good but the wall along the garage needed some attention. My friend Tom Walker told me it needed a Cubs logo painted on the side facing the pool. ( The garage is poured concrete and it makes for difficult decorating - like real siding)

After some thought on the matter, I decided to use some stuff I had laying around to go it one better.

I had my old art booth in the garage, it was what I called the house of bricks. I had enough wood and brick paneling to create a 10 x 10 display to hang my cityscapes at shows. I used it for a couple of years and had recently switched to pro panel display boards. So with all the four foot square panels mounted to the garage wall and some ivy ( courtesy of an artificial tree) stapled to it, it began. 355 painted at one end in yellow on the bricks, a ten foot foul pole (complete with Hey Hey and 355). I even managed to put the basket along the edge of the garage.

I took the remaining wood and constructed a replica of the famous Wrigley scoreboard to house a stereo and TV - so we could have tunes by the pool and be able to watch the Cub games without leaving the pool. At six feet long and three feet tall it is a nice fit in the scene.

It has been a big hit with people that come by to swim - although the Cardinal fans are jealous and are lobbing for some kind of representation.


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