Thursday, June 10, 2010

Just Venting

I got an e-mail from another artist ,this happens a lot - as most of the local artists think I must have some magic wand that I wave to get things done my way. Most of them are just trying to find out how to better themselves or find a contact, and I'm happy to send them in the right direction, if I myself know the way.

Today though I received one that I am going to share with everyone that is willing to read this blog, and hopefully you will not burden someone with one like it. The e-mail simply states:

I was referred to you - I have art for sale. Please advise on
how and where to proceed. Thanks

Not only have I no idea who or what kind of medium this artist is in( because honestly why would I take the time to look at their work even if they had attached a link or a file) It is almost as if they think that I would be doing the world a favor by giving them all my gallery contacts.

Needless to say that I won't be answering that one - And I doubt if I'll be running into them at any shows that I'll be exhibiting at in the near future.


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