Sitting and thinking this weekend about if it would be remotely possible for myself to finish a painting a day, I would have to answer, No. Even though acrylic paints dry fast, and I have just recently finished some smaller paintings that I finished on a weekend. I would not want to think of myself as an assembly line of art.
As I talk to people who are at the show my mind is swimming with ideas, and wishing I was in my studio with a blank canvas in front of me. The greatest thing in the world is a plain white canvas, it can be anything in the world. My thoughts are going to the miniature, small canvases 8" x 24" that I could fit in between the large canvases that I normally focus on. These could be of subjects that I would not dedicate a large piece to. Like "Wedding Flowers for the Bride" or "Parking Meter" to be seen as soon as I get images to upload.( I took some photos of these but they didn't quite turn out right as I switched recently to gloss vanish- adds a lot more depth, but hard to photograph )
I am thinking on the line of a painting a week, now mind you I have only finished 13 paintings in my best year. So 52 paintings is a huge stretch for myself, I tend to periods of inactivity followed by frantic production. But even before I read the article I was thinking on the line of smaller, more specific canvases. I think I am going to try it out, stretch some 8" x 24" canvases and paint some things that I normally would not .