Friday, October 22, 2010

Hospital Is Finished

The commission that I took on in mid summer ( not a great time for commissions - with all the weekends booked with shows ) is finished . I e-mailed the images to them to see if they were what they wanted - and I got the green light. They will be picked up next week. After the opening I will be able to post the images on the site and my web site - but for now they are still a secret.

One thing that is not a secret anymore is the shaped canvases.

here is an example of one.... they turn out pretty cool. This one is the six foot by two foot version and sells for 450.00 . The four foot by two foot version is 350.00.

Friday, October 15, 2010

The List

I have been going to town on the lists - I have one for work, studio, and home. So far on the home list I've replaced the entry door and storm door, replaced the water heater and looked at the water softener, replaced Kaleb's car, and figured out plans to put stairs to the loft in our bedroom.

In the studio I've finished another shaped canvas for the holiday show in Bloomington - stretched two more and cut out two others. The last of the hospital paintings will be finished this weekend, and hopefully the large canvas prints that I've been waiting on will arrive and be to my liking.

At work I'm in good shape.

Really love this task list thing Google - Thanks

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Workin' It Baby

With the new list of tasks on Google - I have been very productive of late. Working multiple canvases in the studio ( I like to have lots of things to paint - the shaped signs are relatively easy to paint and I can start and stop quickly- the main paint on the easel is taking shape - Then I can go back to two that I had to set aside when I took the Commission)

Have been very frustrated at the Old Capital Art Show site as the link to apply to the show via Entry Thingy was not loading up . Contacted them several times over the last few weeks ( the deadline for applications is November 15th) trying to get some information on what I was doing wrong or to inform them of the problem. No response - to e-mails/ phone calls - nothing. In desperation I contacted Entry Thingy and asked them what the problem could be. They responded within an hour !

It seems that some sites have a problem with Microsoft's Internet Explorer - so I called up the site on Mozilla Firefox and bang I'm in. Just a word of warning for other artists that are having trouble with the same thing.

I just hope that I haven't made myself such a pest that they throw my application right into the "You Suck" pile!

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

New Computer

While I was at lunch today - the tech people invaded my desk and put in a new system. Seems that we are upgrading the network here at the big MF and the old XP boxes will not be able to log onto the Internet.

Since I really don't store important things on the work box ,I was OK with the switch ( I knew it was going to happen) I figured I would lose some info/photos/links but nothing that was important.

To my surprise - they took the time to save all those things - so beside get used to Windows 7 (which I must say I like way better than Vista) It was a smooth transition.

Oh and I also have to explore the cool tools in Office 2010 !! Yippee!!

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Back in the Studio

Since the last post I've been on the job - Cleaning out the garage ( the small canvas prints that I make are all backed with hardboard panels and resemble little stretched canvases - so I make a lot of sawdust along with the prints) Cleaning out the studio ( scrap canvas/paper/and mat board - oh my! )

I've also been painting (The last of the commission pieces for the Lincoln Hospital )

The new shaped canvases went over very well at the riverfront show

For those of you that are not into Google - I just found a new reason why you should sign up. At the top left of the g-mail page is a little tab "Tasks" - the other day I clicked it and a little list popped up in the lower right corner. It was a place to put "To Do " type things - even has a little box that you check when its done. The Woman has trained me to make list and to try to cross things off when I see them. I am really liking this and now have "task lists" for Home - Studio- Work.

Watch out - I might even end up more productive ....

Thanks Google - You Rock!!

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