Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Tonights Painting

Tonight I painted a sky scene for the upcoming show at Amy's Something Unique Gallery. Hopefully I can finish a few more before her show.

Great News
Last night was the monthly meeting of the Illinois Art League , since I joined the league three years ago I have stressed the fact that the league needs a web presence. To my amazement the board has agreed to spend two thousand dollars to have a designer develop that site. The preliminary pages look better than I could have ever hoped for. This is probably the greatest thing the board has done in the past 20 years, and will be remembered as a turning point for the future.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Not A Winner
We didn't win the lottery ( surprise ) so The Woman and I went to the early movie to save some bucks. I wanted to see Zodiac and The Woman just likes to go to the movies, I don't think she liked the movie too much, but she didn't say nothing bad about it. It was like watching the History Channel, so I was OK with it . After it was over we managed to sneak in the next theater and watch Night at the Museum, I have always wanted to do that, just spend the whole day bouncing around the multi-plex getting all hopped up on soda and popcorn. Then the kids start calling-" hey, where are you guys at, we are hungry" back to reality. Starting some new paintings, but not tonight as we have an IAL meeting.
I guess I am a winner though to have someone that will go to a boring movie and even more boring art meeting with me.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Lotto Fever

The lottery has swollen two a huge amount, some hundreds of millions, I don't know the exact amount. But whenever this event happens it is a requisite that people discuss what they would do if they won. It is interesting to hear the dreams of some people, and horrified to think of what would happen to others. I'm afraid most would spiral out of control faster that Brittany Spears on the town in Vegas. I've heard that if you took all the money in the world and divided it evenly among all the people, within a few years those that had it before would have it again.
Still it is fun to dream, and you never know it could happen. Four of us guys at work have been playing since a group of co-workers one in Missouri a few years ago, we know it's a long shot, but at least we are in the game.
Oh, what would I do if I won lots of money ..... I think I would sit down at my desk with a checkbook and start writing ....... everyone that I know would get a check ...... but only the ones that I " like" would be signed .... and if the ones that weren't signed were cashed ... then I could have them arrested.

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