Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Time to paint

I love the time between the holidays - I use the time to relax and to paint. It is a great time that I can only hope is what it is like to be retired.

I get up in the morning not to an alarm clock but when I'm ready. Have some breakfast with my honey and then retire to the studio to paint a bit. Later in the evening people come over and when I'm tired I go to bed.

I've stretched six canvases and have started two paintings for the upcoming show season. Images to follow.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Surprise

Last evening as The Woman and I recline in our "Love Seat" ( If you know what I mean) We heard a car, then a door, then the front door open. These are not strange at our house as anyone with teenage children will attest, we could put in a revolving door. But as we glanced we received an early Christmas gift - It was Charlie Kay !!!

It seems that the weather in Iowa was going to be bad and she rescheduled her day so she could get out before she was stuck there and missed the Holiday completely. What a great Christmas gift.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Random Thoughts

First The Woman has sort of shot down the whole Christmas decoration idea that I had. I can see her point - two manikins with Christmas presents on their crotches hanging off the backboard in the driveway - that's not really too Christmasy. So that leaves me exactly where I was before not having any clear goal for decoration, and as the old adage says "If you aim for nothing - you will surely hit it "

Secondly, I been asked to participate in a certain thing ( I'll tell more about that as things actually happen ) I can tell you that it is a real honor to be asked to do this and it may send some ripples through the small but growing art community that is Peoria. .... But ..... My mind goes to the movie "Goodfellas" A group of guys off doing there own thing, having some fun , sort of sticking it to the establishment and taking what they want. Then at the end of the movie Joe Peshie gets called up he's going to become a "Made" guy a huge honor that his friends are excited about as he is. Only to get a bullet in the head for his past transgressions, now I don't think I'll get whacked .... but ....

Thirdly , I need to stretch some canvases - even though I've had a really busy and productive December with the new canvas prints .....I'm still a painter ... not a printer. So I need to get working on the new paintings for this summer.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Weekend Alone

The Woman and I spent the weekend alone as all the children were out. The boys took off to go skiing and Chelsea made her way to spend the weekend in Des Moines. The Woman and I had a very relaxing time and remodeled a bedroom and determined that if the kids were all gone - we would survive.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Next Years Display?

I've been searching for something to put in the front lawn for the Christmas season and haven't been having much luck. I've thrown out different ideas, but nothing that I've heard or thought of has peaked my curiosity or my interest.

But....... last night ........ I was watching a Christmas Special........ and I think ........I..........have......a plan.

I saw a little clip that was on the tail end of a program. I've seen it before and it is a very funny bit. I 'am 99% sure I want to put it up - the only one I'll have to convince is The Woman. The display would be two guys on the basketball backboard in the driveway. Of course fully illuminated with gift wrapped crotches. I love it. Simple and tasteless!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Holidays are coming

As I am at times feverishly running around trying to get paintings here/prints there , I stop and think about how fast time goes by. I stopped by the Office Max at lunch to pick up more ink and the clerk just making small talk says " At least today is going fast" At least today!!!! It seams to me that all days a just flying by.

Tonight we are having our niece and her husband over for dinner and their son Mason is almost a year old already - he was born last New Years Day. When The Woman told me the other day he was walking, I thought hows is that possible. Until she reminded me of how old he is!

I need some type of machine to slow the progression of time down just a little, I'm not even ready for this Holiday Season yet.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Weekend Update

Had a great time at the Artist Gift Show , hosted by The Peoria Art Guild , this last weekend . The crowds were enthusiastic and sales at times were brisk. ( An artist friend that was there said that it was his best show of the year - maybe the recession is over - artists can only hope - we've been hit hard this last year ) After the show at the Guild I went to the Shoppes at Grande Prairie - C I Creative and Jennifer Short hosted a little art party.

There is a different crowd at those type of events- they are just mall shoppers that happen on an art show-they were interested at times - but sales and traffic was on the slow side.

I was contacted yesterday by Gabe at the Art Guild that he was getting calls for the canvas prints and needed some for the gift shop ( It seems that he was interviewed by a local TV station about the show - and the interview took place in front of a certain someones display of canvas prints - coincidence - I think not - I love Gabe) I made those last night and will be dropping them off today at lunch. I ordered more canvas last week and hopefully it get here soon as I used the last of it last night.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Winter Storm

As you may have heard the Midwest was hit this week by a huge winter storm front. These can be very tricky to forecast though ( Ask our weather men) The forecast went from a eminent disaster of 12" or more to a trace dusting of snow. The one thing that they did get right was the wind.

Wind as you may know is something that I can stand, as an artist that does outdoor events there is nothing that is scarier than a freak storm that blows all your art (and tent) into the next county. The winds started to pick up the first evening of the storm and living on top off a hill I could hear it all evening moaning up through the woods by my house. I did not sleep well that night,very restless. The next morning as I surveyed outside I noticed that there was some damage.

It seems that if you put a big lamp in your front yard you need to take into account that these storms may happen. The Leg was still standing but the shade portion had been folded over buy a gust of wind. I didn't have the time to mess with it that morning as I had to go to work, and much to my dismay the winds actually picked up during the day. By evening the shade was dangling from the leg in pieces.

Sorry for the demise of the leg lamp but it is now taken down and probably never to return.

Any suggestions for my next Christmas display?

Tuesday, December 08, 2009


On Tuesday's edition of the Peoria Journal Star they have a section called "Neighbors". For the most part it covers stories of local interest and events that feature people you might know. Well today , I'm in your neighborhood - scary thought for most people.

I've always said it's good to have your name in the paper as long as it's not followed with arrest information or a death notice. So I hope this brings out some more people to the shows this weekend! Here is a link to the article.


Monday, December 07, 2009

Only a few days to prepare

I have just this week to get some prints ready for the two shows I'll be attending this weekend - The Holiday artist show at the Peoria Art Guild is Saturday from 10:00 to 4:00 PM and then pack up hurriedly and off to the Shoppes at Grande Prairie for the Bohemian Christmas Event at C I Creative, Saturday evening and Sunday 10:00 to 4:00.

The main thing that I'm excited about is that I'm not running the Bohemian Event - Jennifer Short has taken point on this one. Not only is it good just to able to show up and sell, it is really encouraging that someone else has stepped up and taken a leadership role for an event. I've always encouraged other artists to put their ideas in motion and the rest of us would back them up. This is a prime example, it should be a great Bohemian Party !

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Missed another donation

  It is Saturday morning and I missed another donation that I had set up at the Red Cross. It seems that lately I've be hard pressed to remember or for The Woman to release me from my morning duties to give platelets.
  So now that I have taken care of most of my duties - I'm off to get some supplies and get ready for next weekends shows.

Friday, December 04, 2009

Pizza Friday

Today is Pizza Friday at work - If I haven't said it before - I work at the coolest place in the city. We are a drapery fabric wholesaler ( I know everyone is saying - what? ) The first pay Friday of every month is Pizza Friday- So we all get to eat pizza and then go to lunch and really do anything we want ( since we have already eaten ) Really good deal !

I'm always amazed at the people who are so exited about Fridays in general - I realize that they are the last day of the work week and the start of the weekend - but what great things are in store during this time off work for 98% of them - nothing .

Thursday, December 03, 2009

I got a call

I got a call from a person who saw my work at the clubs today - so maybe the new display will be a hit. I'm not sure if they saw it after the new canvas pieces were hung - but I'm still thinking it's a good thing.

Still no word about the transitional period at the Shops of Grand Prairie venue - It seems that although they are interested in the canvas prints, they have to wait until the whole process shakes out.

Next weekend anyway I will be out at the show that Jennifer Short is putting on at C I Creative which is right next door.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Just Hanging Around

As I stated yesterday I went to the Clubs at RiverCity last night and installed a new hanging system for my paintings and put up the canvas prints. I am always amazed at the traffic that goes through the club and the fact that most are urban professionals. ( hopefully with disposable income for the purchase of art ) Hung up the large sign with contact information so now I just need to sit back and wait for the orders to pour in ( yeah right )

Back in the real world - I now have to get ready for the Peoria Art Guilds Holiday Show (formerly know locally as the trunk show - I don't know why - at some point I think local artists sold things out of trunks) Hopefully the canvas prints will do well - but I will have all the paper prints in stock at bargain prices.

Still have to stretch some canvas for real paintings at some point - wow great timing just as the weather getting way colder - I need to go to the shop to work. Timing is everything.

Every morning I drive up to work and I pass the homeless shelter on Adams Street in Peoria. Most of the year you don't really have any idea of how many of these usually faceless/nameless people are wandering around the city. Peoria isn't like the mecca for the migrating homeless population ( In fact I've often wondered if they are homeless why be homeless in Peoria - why not Hawaii ) but we do have our share.

With the change in the weather the shelter starts to swell, the usual one or two guys that are standing out front are now twenty - plus. It also is strange to see more women in the group. This is a strange time when they mass together for warmth.

I don't have an answer for any of this or some plan to house them, it's just something that I see every day and wish that I did or could.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Off to The Clubs

Tonight I'm going to do some maintenance to my display at The Clubs at RiverCity. Dan O'Connell is a friend of mine and has put in a hanging rail around the club so myself and other artist friends can hang their work. This has been a very unique opportunity to display work for sale in a high traffic area.

The problem is that if you just hang paintings with no information about purchasing than the club members just walk on by and take little notice. I have been trying to perfect some type of advertising to let them know that the art can be purchased. I have had some luck in the past months.

Tonight I'm hanging the canvas prints with a large sign letting them know the price and that they make great Holiday gifts. So wish me luck!

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